Election Season Looms

Election Season Looms
The right to vote is one of South Africa’s most hard-fought for rights and is protected by the Constitution.
On 8 May 2019, it is our turn to make our mark on the ballot paper for the country’s national election.

Every South African citizen who is 18 or older may vote, including those that live outside South Africa. It is your legal right.

Section 19 of the Constitution protects our various political rights. These include forming political parties, being a member of a political party, voting in elections and holding public office.

The Constitution also establishes the IEC (Electoral Commission). This is an independent body that makes sure elections at all levels of government are regular, free and fair. 

While, our legal system is a key part of our democracy, so is our parliament. As such, election day is more than just an extra public holiday: it is a day on which we confirm that as South Africans we believe in freedom, equality and the rights of all. 

Nelson Mandela once declared that: “to deny people their human rights is to challenge their very humanity.” This election, let us unite as a country, celebrate our rights and cast our vote!

Together, we can shape the political future we desire.

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