Love & the law webinar

Love & the law webinar
To celebrate the month of love, we focus on the critical relationship between love and the law
We discuss cohabitation, common law marriage, marriage types, agreements and divorce.
14 february Love and the law

You're not alone when dealing with the following matters:

Ante-Nuptial Contracts (ANC)Ante-Nuptial Contracts are covered after receiving 6 consecutive premium payments and you reside in a Metropolitan area. Applications must be made at least 8 weeks prior to the date set for marriage.

Unopposed Divorce

Covered after we receive 6 consecutive premium payments for this plan and if the divorce is unopposed and both parties are in agreement with regards to the terms of the divorce.

Opposed Divorce

The main member of the legal plan will get cover of up to R10 000 for the legal fees that may arise should you divorce provided the member has paid their premiums for this plan for 12 consecutive months.


Our team of maintenance lawyers will assist main members with compiling and lodging your maintenance application as well as representing you in court within a metropolitan area and provided the member has paid their premiums for this plan for 12 consecutive months.

Cover on unopposed maintenance applications is capped at R850, and cover on opposed maintenance applications is capped at R3 350.

With Legal&Tax you’re not alone

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