

Family law


Power of Attorney

A power of attorney (POA) is a legal document that gives an individual, called the agent or attorney-in-fact, the authority to take action on behalf of someone else, called the principal
Template contract

Labour law

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The Legal and Tax Side to Mental Health

If you have experienced mental health problems that are very severe, you might need to take disability leave, or even have to leave your job completely.

Civil law

Rent Image

What to do if you can't pay rent this month

One of the questions posed to our legal advisors during the lockdown period is "What if I can't afford to pay my rent this month?" Chantel explains how to handle this in the legally correct way.
Man With Debt

What are your legal options when you can't pay your debt?

You may have another option when you are struggling to make loan repayments. Chantel explains how to legally cut your costs in times of financial distress.



How to apply for new ‘lockdown’ grants

We are living during difficult times as the world battles against the COVID-19 coronavirus. As we try to save lives, unfortunately many people’s livelihoods (the money they earn from the work they do) are gone. However, if you have been affected by this situation, the government is trying to support you. They are offering different kinds of financial help. Read below for our guide on how to get money that can assist you and your family to survive:
Man With Debt

COVID-19: Dealing with Debt and Money matters

What to do if you cannot pay your accounts or your rent


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How to put the brakes on vehicle repossession

In the current economic down turn, you may find yourself falling behind on your monthly car payments. We provide you with all the available options to help you prevent your car from getting repossessed by the bank or loan/credit provider.

Funeral planning

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Preparing for the death of a parent

Imagining life without your parents is tough, but as they grow older, losing your mom and dad becomes a hard fact you have to face


Lts Budget Speech Website Feauture

2021 National Budget Speech Highlights

View our budget summary Infographic
Tito Mboweni

Unpacking the Supplementary Budget Speech 2020

Johan Swart, Head of Tax, gives us an overview of the supplementary budget delivered by Minister of Finance, Tito Mboweni, on 24 June 2020, detailing the adjustments to the national budget due to the impact of COVID-19 on the economy, tax revenue and expenditure.
Testimonial June 2022 Feature

What the budget speech means for us

Very few of us take the time to sit down, and really consider what our country’s annual budget means. We take notice of the tax increases, and how much more our fuel will cost, and our tipple and smokes. We already make little calculations in our minds on how we will have to adjust our personal budgets to make ends meet.


debt management and budgeting

Money Management webinar

We discuss the importance of budgeting, saving and managing your debt.
Member Guides Site Banner Debt Councelling

Debt counselling: is it for you?

Understanding the debt review process and how this can protect your assets from being repossessed by your credit provider.
How to guide
Member Guides Site Banner Credit Reports

Do you know your credit score? You should!

We discuss how a credit report can help you keep up to date with your financial status by doing a credit bureau check.
How to guide


debt management and budgeting

Budget template

Our budget template can help you track your expenses during the month. Get on top of your debt and start saving today with our free template
Template contract
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Festive season shopping

Money might be tight this year and financial constraints may require some adjustments. We give you tips on how you can protect your wallet from the temptation to overspend.
How to guide
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The buzz around Black Friday is building – and while there are certainly chances to get some good bargains – you also need to be careful not to slip into overspending or be duped by dodgy deals.


Helping Eachother

Tax for Gogo and Gramps

There are very important financial and tax factors to keep in mind when approaching retirement, and thereafter.


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Money on the global move

If you are wanting to send move your money outside of South Africa, this is called investing abroad. This process has very strict rules that you must follow or you will be breaking the law.

Consumer protection


Understanding credit life insurance

If you are struggling with financial distress at the moment and are unable to make loan repayments you may have the ability to cover your debts if you are retrenched or due to other life events. Alternatively you need to approach your bank to make alternative payment arrangements. We unpack your options
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Legally Smart Shopping Will Reap Rewards

Holiday time often means shopping time! However, before the bargain-hunting bug hits, read Legal&Tax’s guide to smart spending (and hopefully a little bit of saving too!)
How to guide


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10 easy ways to make extra money on the side

Turn your interest or skill into profits!
How to guide
Try out South Africa's first AI Lawyer

Get instant and affordable legal help with our legal AI bot on WhatsApp. Our virtual legal assistant simplifies the legal experience and provides personalized advice and on-demand assistance, all from your phone. Consult with a lawyer online and access AI-powered legal services that are accessible to Solace benefit members.

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