Funerals will go on during lockdown – but with restrictions

Funerals will go on during lockdown – but with restrictions
Changes during the lockdown
South Africa is in lockdown. During this time, very limited activities will be allowed in public. The government wants South Africans to stay at home as much as possible. This is to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19).
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If your family sadly does experience the loss of a loved one during this time, you will still be given a chance to say goodbye.

Nevertheless, the safety of everyone involved will come first.

Here are five key ways in which funerals will change during the lockdown:

  1. Only 50 people are allowed to attend the funeral.
  2. No night vigils will be allowed.
  3. Motor vehicles being used for a funeral will be allowed on the road. However, they may only be half full with passengers. Strict hygiene measures must also be in place in the vehicles.
  4. All funeral services, including mortuaries, will run during the lockdown.
  5. The Home Affairs office providing death certificates is also considered an essential service. This means you will be able to get death certificates issued during this time.

What will happen if the person who died had the Covid-19 virus?

There is some medical risk involved in the handling of a body of someone who has died from the Covid-19 virus.

As such, the department of health has issued very strict guidelines.

  1. A body bag must be used to move the body. The bag must then be disposed of according to medical safety rules.
  2. Any person who touches or moves the body must wear full personal protective equipment. This includes items such as disposable gowns, gloves, a face shield or goggles and facemasks.
  3. The trolley carrying the body must be disinfected.
  4. Once the body has arrived at the mortuary, the family may view the body. However, they have to be provided with masks and gloves when doing so. They also may not kiss the body.
  5. Those washing or preparing the body, may only do so if they wear full protective gear. Mortuaries and funeral directors have to get the advice of a qualified environmental health official in these situations.

With Legal&Tax you're not alone

Remember, Legal&Tax Services is an essential services provider and we will continue processing your funeral claims, and supporting you during the lockdown.

Contact us to assist if you have lost a loved one.

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