Legal&You Newsletter November 2021

Legal&You Newsletter November 2021
With Legal&Tax you're not alone
As we enter 16 days of activism against Gender Based Violence (GBV), we wanted to highlight the increase in GBV that has occurred under COVID-19 and lockdown conditions. Our article sheds light on steps we can take to bring this plight to an end.
Darren Cohen
Darren Cohen - General Manager
26 November 2021 | 5 minute read
Legal You November 2021 Main banner2 newsletter

We also share insights on how insurance fraud directly impacts you, as well as why and how you should report it.

November is diabetes awareness month, and Dr Avron Urison shares his insights on how you can raise your awareness and understanding of this disease as well as tips on controlling and treating the disease.

We also share the recording of our recent “Criminal Law” webinar where we discussed laws around drinking and driving, paying an admission of guilt fine, COVID-19 violations as well as police conduct.

We hope that you find these articles insightful. If you have been forwarded this newsletter, you can click here to sign up and receive future editions.

Darren Cohen
General Manager

Article Themes Title banners website November 20212 gender based violence

As the COVID-19 pandemic ran rampant in our society, a second pandemic of domestic violence filled the homes of innocent women. Learn more about gender-based violence cases during lockdown in South Africa and the proactive steps you can take to ensure you and your loved one’s safety.

Read more | 4 min reading time

Article Themes Title banners website November 20214 funeral fraud

A rise in funeral insurance fraud due to the COVID-19 pandemic

Desperation due to job losses sees an upsurge in funeral policy fraud. You could take a financial hit if your insurance company raises your premium levels to counteract the cost of fraudulent claims.

Read more | 4 min reading time

Article Themes Title banners website November 20213 diabetes

Diabetes Awareness – Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention

Many do not know that they are diabetic until long-term damage is done by this disease. In this article, we help you identify some of the signs and symptoms and advise you on how to treat the different stages of diabetes.

Read more | 6 minute reading time

Article Themes Title banners website November 2021 food to boost your mood

Food to boost your mood

Eatinghealthier foods can help you manage your emotional state. In this article, we discuss what you can eat in order to gain mental clarity..

Read more | 2 minute reading time

Article Themes Title banners website November 20215 criminal law

Trouble with the law

In this webinar, we provide you with guidelines and advise you on the correct procedures that should be carried out upon your detention. We discuss the various criminal laws around drinking and driving, paying an admission of guilt fine, COVID-19 violations as well as police conduct.

Watch video | 60 min video

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Refer five friends or family members and you could win a share of R10 000

Do you know someone like Thembeka who needs reliable funeral cover? We want to help them.

Ts&Cs apply.

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