Legal&You Newsletter Q1 2020

Legal&You Newsletter Q1 2020
With Legal&Tax you're not alone
Being your lifelong companion is not just a tag line or motto. It is at the very centre of everything we do at Legal&Tax. We are driven to offer your products and services that are meaningful in your time of need, and to provide you with information and advice that help you to navigate the unforeseen events that life will throw your way
Benjy Porter
Benjy Porter - CEO
9 March 2020 | 22 minute read
Main Banner March 2020

The whole team at Legal&Tax works tirelessly to ensure that in your time of need you feel you can turn to us for support, because with Legal&Tax you're not alone.

In this edition our experts have compiled insightful articles to assist you through some of the stages you will experience from year to year, and throughout your life. I hope you find these articles valuable, and as always, your feedback is welcome.

Enjoy the read,
Benjy Porter - CEO

Legal Banner March 2020

Family first - Your rights to maternity leave 

When you are caught between your baby and your boss, remember that maternity leave laws make sure you do not have to choose. Family comes first and your job is legally protected throughout. 

Read more | 3 min reading time 

Is your child safe at school? 

Asking the right questions about safety at schools. For any parent, school safety must simply be a guarantee. However, the recent tragedy in which 13-year-old Enoch Mpianzi died during a school camp for Parktown Boy’s High was a reminder that sadly this is not always the case. 

Read more | 2 min reading time 

Funeral Banner March 2020

How to write a meaningful eulogy 

A eulogy is the speech that is given at a funeral. Although this is a very sad time, a eulogy will acknowledge not just the tragedy of the person’s passing but will also pay tribute to the life that they have lived and the love that they have inspired. 

Read more | 5 min reading time

Health Banner March 2020

What the Coronavirus scare means for you and your family

Switch on the TV; listen to the radio or read the news and you will be hit with fear. The coronavirus is spreading around the world and claiming lives. However, what is the hard reality behind these health scare headlines? Legal&Tax gives you the expert medical information which you need to make sure that you and your loved ones stay safe. 

Read more | 3 min reading time 

Is low-cost private medical cover a thing of the past?

Major shifts continue to rock health care access in South Africa. Recently, it was announced that medical aids might no longer be allowed to offer low-cost benefit options for people who cannot afford to pay for full medical aid cover.

Read more | 1 min reading time

Money Banner March 2020

What the budget speech means for us

How you can help safeguard the financial future of our country. Very few of us take the time to sit down, and really consider what our country’s annual budget means. We take notice of the tax increases, and how much more our fuel will cost, and our tipple and smokes. We already make little calculations in our minds on how we will have to adjust our personal budgets to make ends meet. 

Read more | 5 min reading time 

Budget 2020 highlights

A breakdown of highlights from the most recent budget speech 

Read more | 2 min reading time 

More Banner March 2020

Benefits to keep you covered when life happens

We offer a retrenchment benefit on all of our legal plans. It's our way of being your companion when life happens. 

Main members who have been retrenched from their jobs are entitled to a 6-consecutive month premium holiday on their policy, provided their premiums have been fully paid for the previous 12 months.

Toxic work environments - We will represent you at disciplinary hearings 

Our Legal Prestige+ and Legal Prestige members receive legal representation at disciplinary hearings, covered within a metropolitan area if your employer consents to you being represented. This benefit is capped at R2 000 per day up to a maximum of R6 000 (3 days).

Find out more about all our benefits

Testimonial Banner March 2020

WIN a share of R10 000

Do you know someone who would want professional legal advice and cover if they were to face a toxic work environment? We want to help them.
Pre-existing events are excluded.

Refer five friends or family members and you could win a share of R10 000.
Ts&Cs apply.

Refer & Win

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