

April 2021 Webinar Legally Binding Email Header3

Legally Binding Webinar

We discuss contractual obligations, the debt collection process and how to avoid being blacklisted.
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Legal&You Newsletter Q1 2021

It has been a year of dealing with the pandemic, lockdowns and knock on effects of living in this strange and sometimes very complicated world. We remain deeply committed to constantly seeking new ways of ensuring excellence, being your companion and ensuring you are protected.
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Cohabitation, engagement and the myth of the common law marriage

We debunk the notion that a couple living together for many years creates automatic legal rights and duties between them.
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12 steps for a healthy pregnancy

Taking care of yourself is the best thing you can do for your unborn baby.
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Home Repossession

We explain the foreclosure process and give you tips to help you save your home from repossession.
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The digital transformation of education due to COVID-19

e-Education connects teachers and students online for a virtual learning experience.
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Burial society vs funeral insurance

South African communities have been coming together to form stokvels in order to offer financial and emotional support to one another in times of need. Learn more about the legalities of these schemes.
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How to write an obituary

Obituaries are an important tradition to pay tribute and commemorate the life of the deceased. We show you the proper way to write an obituary and what information to include.
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Putting together a living will

We show you how to draft a living will or advance directive that'll bring peace of mind to you and your loved ones because it explains what kind of medical care you want to receive when you cannot speak for yourself.
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The A-Z of buying your first home

Buying a new home can be a challenging and complicated process without the correct guidance and expert advice. We've put together a step-by-step guide with all the requirements you should know.
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The South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) is a government entity responsible for distributing social grants to more than 16 million South Africans. Who is eligible for social security?
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Sexual harassment in the workplace

We discuss the laws that protect you from sexual harassment at work and the process to follow when reporting this misconduct and lodging a complaint with your employer.
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10 easy ways to make extra money on the side

Turn your interest or skill into profits!
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Lts Budget Speech Website Feauture

2021 National Budget Speech Highlights

View our budget summary Infographic
Funeral And Estate Planning

Is your estate in order?

Making sure you have a funeral plan that provides for a dignified burial may be the first step you take, but there is so much more to consider. These considerations must be stated in your last will and testament.
debt management and budgeting

Money Management webinar

We discuss the importance of budgeting, saving and managing your debt.

Power of Attorney

A power of attorney (POA) is a legal document that gives an individual, called the agent or attorney-in-fact, the authority to take action on behalf of someone else, called the principal
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debt management and budgeting

Budget template

Our budget template can help you track your expenses during the month. Get on top of your debt and start saving today with our free template
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