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Episode 3: Calories In Alcohol

It's often tough to admit, but the reason many people can struggle to lose weight is because they often don't understand the amount of Calories in a glass of wine.

Episode 2: Dehydrated Foods

The dangers of dehydrated foods when we're not aware of the calorie intake.

Episode 1: Be Mindful of the sugar in popular drinks

Sometimes we think the "perceived" healthier options are better for our diet, but it's not always the case. Be Mindful.
Health Eating On A Budget

10 tips for healthy eating on a budget

Following a healthy diet comes with a range of well-known benefits, including lowering the risk of diabetes and heart disease, maintaining a healthy weight, and supplying your body with the necessary nutrients.
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Understanding pain

Pain is a part of life. It is there from the beginning, in a small baby, and it is there at the end, when the person dies.
happy healthy life

Achieving a healthier, happier life

I believe an active lifestyle has definitely led to a happier life for me. My advice? I strongly advise incorporating exercise as an added benefit to help achieve a happier, healthier life.
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We live in a world where HIV is prominent. Thankfully, it is easier now than ever to know your HIV status, and to live a long, healthy life regardless of your status.
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Mindful Eating Tips - Introduction

Mindful Eating Dietician Consultancy are introducing a series on healthy eating for the next 7 weeks. Stay tuned.
House Rental

Longer-term leasing

Getting ready to move into a new home, or rent your home out to somebody else. Longer-term leases are governed by the Rental Housing Tribunal Act and the Consumer Protection Act.
Holiday Home

What to know when booking your holiday home

With holiday makers planning their end-of-year trips I take a look at your rights and responsibilities in terms of the Consumer Protection Act regarding booking and renting a holiday home, and should the need arise cancelling your booking.
your rights when stopped at a roadblock

Your rights when stopped at a roadblock

It’s important that you are aware of your rights when stopped at a roadblock. Legal advisor, Natasha Ngwerume summarised what you need to know.
Tax Returns

Submitting your tax returns

Johan Swart, Head of Tax Services discusses what you need to know when submitting your tax return. Note: Dates for filing your tax return may differ from year to year.

UIF Bill Improvements

The Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) Bill has been improved to allow those who lose their jobs to receive money for a longer period when they apply for unemployment benefits.

Do you or someone you know seem to suffer from depression or mental illness?

Here are some signs to look out for to determine if you need help.
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Your Budget Quiz

Download our free budgeting quiz to see how save savvy you are.
How to guide
Matters Of Love

Matters of Love

Legal&Tax discuss matters of love and the law.
Labour Rights

Labour Matters

Chantal, one of our Legal&Tax legal experts, explains your rights in the workplace. Watch this video to learn more.
Sexual Harassment

Sexual Harassment

Our Legal&Tax experts shed some light on this topic. Watch this video to learn more.