

Woman holding rands

Understanding your payslip

#IWishILearntThatInSchool - Part of our series supporting the youth. We all like getting paid, but understanding the paperwork that goes with it is important. Check out your payslip to make sure you have everything you need.
Tax Talk Feature Image

Tax benefits for independent contractors

#IWishILearntThatInSchool - Part of our series supporting the youth. Did you know you can deduct work related expenses from your gross income?
Blue icon heart health

Hands only CPR

#IWishILearntThatInSchool - Part of our series supporting the youth. Hands only CPR is without mouth to mouth breaths but can be just as effective as conventional CPR. We show you how to perform this technique to help save a life.
debt management and budgeting

Odd jobs to earn you extra cash while still studying

#IWishILearntThatInSchool - Part of our series supporting the youth. 22 seconds filled with ideas for your side hustle.
Legal You Testimonials Banners3

Why it’s important to read your employment contract

#IWishILearntThatInSchool - Part of our series supporting the youth. We explain the impact of not reading or understanding your employment contract in 39 seconds
Legal You newsletter June 2022

Legal&You June 2022

In our latest Legal&You edition, we discuss the rights that protect you as a parent and the ways, even when you are divorced. We touch on funeral cover during natural disasters and we also look at ways we can help children that are diagnosed with Creche Syndrome. Finally, we show you the 'secret' formula that you can follow when saving to ultimately become a millioniare!
Coping with death following a natural disaster

Coping with death following a natural disaster

Natural disasters have recently left many South African families dealing with the loss of their loved ones and in the same breath, constrained financially. In this article, we help you look out for any exclusions that your funeral policy might have that could prevent pay out in these specific circumstances.
Breaking the Creche Syndrome cycle

Getting to grips with ‘Creche Syndrome’

If you’ve recently, or are planning to place your child in a creche or day-care facility, you may have heard of ‘Creche Syndrome’. The colder Winter months which are now taking a firm grip can play havoc with your child’s health.
Start saving today become a millioniare tomorrow

Why you should start saving today

The power of compound interest is often referred to as the eighth wonder of the world. In simple terms, it means that you earn interest on the interest you’ve already earned and reinvested into your savings or investment account.
Protecting your Right to Parent your children

Protecting your Right to Parent

Every parent wants to make sure that their children are safe, nurtured and secure. Even if you are unmarried or divorced, the law is on your side when it comes to your rights as a parent. Let’s take a closer look at how the law helps protect your parenting rights
How to accumulate your leave

How to accumulate leave and when you can apply

In this article, we will be exploring all the different types of leave and when you have the right to apply
Legal You May

Legal&You May 2022

In our latest edition of Legal&You we provide insightful information that not only supports our upcoming Workers' day, but also highlights the importance of company policies which, if followed can help you maintain a healthy relationship with your employer. We also touch on frozen assets when a loved one passes on, keeping your immune system sharp during winter and more.
Dealing with death and frozen accounts

Death & frozen bank accounts

When you die your assets are frozen for the executor of the estate to correctly assess the value and determine the solvency of your estate.
Tips to combat winter colds

Combat those winter ‘sniffles’

No one wants to muddle through the winter months feeling tired, run-down, and sick all the time. When it comes to keeping your family as healthy as possible, an ounce of prevention is most definitely worth a pound of cure.
What is gross misconduct

What is Gross Misconduct, and could it cost you your job?

There are varying degrees of issues you may face in the workplace that could lead to a difficult work environment, from incapacity to negligence and misconduct. This article will help you understand the differences between these infringements and how to approach disciplinary matters with our assistance.
Steps to take when faced with a sudden loss of income

What to do in the event of a sudden loss of income

Losing your job or having to pay for unforeseen expenses like vehicle repairs, or a medical emergency can instantly change your financial situation. What can you do?
Legal and you march 2022

Legal&You March

April is a time for us to celebrate the importance of family and individual freedom. Our latest newsletter provides insights on legal, funeral, health and debt matters.
Adequate funeral cover for your family

The importance of adequate funeral cover

The price tag for giving your loved one a dignified send-off can dramatically increase as you add on the costs of catering, flowers, and tombstones and other cultural or religious requirements based on your beliefs.