The digital transformation of education due to COVID-19

The digital transformation of education due to COVID-19
The future of learning
e-Education connects teachers and students online for a virtual learning experience.
Buhle Sibanyoni
Buhle Sibanyoni - Content & Community Manager
23 March 2021 | 3 minute read
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What is digitalisation of education?

COVID-19 has forced educators to move teaching online. Although technology evangelists and educators have long predicated this day, the urgency of COVID-19 accelerated the world’s move towards digital transformation. Digital transformation of education refers to devices, software applications and any other type of technology to teach students of all ages.

How is it affecting our education system?

Before COVID-19, many educators had not received formal training on using and adapting to online teaching or blended teaching. The dangers of COVID-19 forced the Ministry of Basic Education’s decision to shut down schools, pushing teachers to adapt and innovate to a new form of teaching, to ensure that their students did not fall behind on a year already riddled with challenges. The Basic Education Department created a COVID-19 guide for teachers. It is filled with helpful resources as well as assisting teachers on how to address aspects of health.

How have teachers adapted to COVID-19?

  • They have adapted to online learning platforms and online management systems.
  • Schools have also repurposed WhatsApp to act as learning groups for sending pictures, materials, videos and messages.
  • They make use of online teaching resources.
  • They use platforms like Zoom, WhatsApp and Google Messenger for group learning and one-on-one consultations.

What are the advantages of digital education?

  • We can start with the fact that it is fun. Interactive learning often integrates quizzes, puzzles and other engaging activities which aid learning and they are proven to help us absorb information better.
  • Digital education allows your teachers to track your progress and monitor your engagement, making it easy for them to see how to help you when you need it.
  • Recorded classes make it easier for you to backtrack if you feel you have missed something.
  • Having 24-hour access to materials means that you can work on your clock as some may find learning at night easier.
  • Online learning instantly places you into a connected community where you have instant access to the help you need via platforms like Zoom and WhatsApp.
  • Online learning pushes you into a space of self-directed study which makes it much easier for you to identify what you are good at and those areas where you might need a little extra help.
  • Online learning means taking charge of your education which can be very empowering.
  • The future is rooted in technology therefore it is a significant advantage to get comfortable and familiar with technology while studying, before entering the working world.

What are the disadvantages of digital education?

  • Technical and financial issues are a reality, ranging from not having access to digital devices and Wi-Fi or not having money for data.
  • Humans are social creatures, which is why the lack of a face-to-face interaction may be hard for some. 
  • Distractions at home mean that life can get in the way of studying.
  • You have to create a schedule and stick to it, if you lack self-discipline, this will become a problem.
  • Adapting to unfamiliar technology is going to create anxiety and may shift your focus from your learning material, to fixing technical issues.

Digital inequalities in South Africa

Due to a social imbalance in South Africa, there are many students who don’t own computers, making it harder for educators and learners to fully move into the digital realm.

Digital platforms could enable more equitable access (for learners) to materials students might not have physical access to, like digital books, simulated science labs and other resources.

Online learning can no longer be seen as a luxury but rather a necessity, an essential component of the education process.

Our way of being a companion

We made our TeleTeacher service available to all clients during the lockdown and have extended this offer while educators and learners try to regain a sense of normality.

Our TeleTeacher benefit offers online educational support for your children! A skilled teacher from TeleTeacher, equipped with expertise and experience, will assist your child with their schoolwork-related problem.

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