

Tax Returns

Adding Value to Tax

It might be just the beginning of 2019, but already the end of the tax year looms! In addition, the government is about to release the national budget – the results of which can directly affect your purse or pocket.

How to budget towards a bold future

If you constantly find yourself having more month left than money just before pay-day, it is time to make a budget.

The legal taboos of tobacco

The South African law is constantly tightening up on ways to stop smokers from lighting up.
Stop Smoking

Stop smoking today!

But staying smoke-free is the real struggle
Body Type

Train right for your body type

Figure out what type of body shape you have, and then choose exercises that best suit the needs of your particular build
Last Will

Deceased estates and the law

Death is a difficult and emotional subject to handle. While we can’t take away the pain, we can make the experience a little easier by helping you prepare for the practical realities that need to be in place.
School Kids

School fees and the law

Although the value of education is priceless, the actual price tag on schooling can be a heavy burden on parents. Understand your rights when it comes to the paying of school fees and other related costs.
School Girl

School discipline and the law

What laws impact on how your child can be disciplined at school
Bcea Article Banner

Basic Conditions of Employment Act

Sometimes, getting and keeping a job feels so difficult, that we forget that we have rights within the workplace. Luckily, the law is here to help make workplaces fair for all.
How to guide
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Are you diabetic

10 questions to ask, if you are worried you have diabetes.
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Legal&You Fourth Quarter 2018

Wrapping up 2018
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Are You Water Wise?

If we look at the composition of our bodies, water is the largest single component of the body. It compromises up to 60-70% of our total body weight. Every chemical, biochemical and metabolic reaction that takes place in the body requires water to be present.
Heart Hands Banner

World Aids Day

A quick read to help you avoid or manage HIV infection.
Holiday Season Budgeting

Tips for surviving the financial pinch this Christmas

As the festive season approaches, we all feel the pressure on our pocket, whether it’s the cost of a holiday, the price of gifts or the cost of entertaining family and friends
Benjy Porter

Wrapping up 2018 - A note from Benjy Porter


Do you deserve a holiday or bonus?

4 things you need to know about bonuses and annual leave

The High and Low of Cannabis

On 18 September 2018, the Constitutional Court unanimously confirmed the Cape High Court judgment that personal use of cannabis is not a criminal offence.
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Episode 4: The Psychology of Food Labels

It's proven that we give ourselves permission to eat more because the Food Label says "Low Fat" , "Low Calorie" or "0 Sugar".