

Legal You October 2021 Main banner3

Legal&You Newsletter October 2021

It's a self-care kind of summer and as your companion, we're constantly looking for ways to add value to your life and be a companion to you and your family. This month we want to help you focus on health & wellness
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Who can be a witness to a will?

Watch this video to find out who is competent to witness a will
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Can you write your own will?

All you need to know about drafting your own will
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What makes a will valid?

Here are the requirements for a valid will
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What is an Executor of an estate?

Watch this video to learn more
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Who should have a will?

Watch this video to see if you need a will
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What is a will and testament?

Our Head of Legal Helpline, Michael Visser explains this estate planning document
Legal and tax tips

Legal&Tax Tips

Our Head of Legal Helpline, Michael Visser shares some helpful legal tips
Last will and testament

Wills & Estates

Watch our webinar where Head of Legal Helpline, Michael Visser answers your frequently asked questions about wills and estates.
debt management and budgeting

Get savvy with your money!

Take our quiz
How to guide
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Whole foods – a better way of eating

We weigh the benefits of consuming whole foods over processed foods.
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Let's talk mental health

We help you spot the red flags that could signal a possible mental health condition.
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Arthritis types, causes and treatment

We show you how to deal with the painful symptoms of arthritis and what treatment eases swollen joints.
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Legal&You Newsletter September 2021

Since our last newsletter in August, we have received incredible feedback and suggestions on how we can provide our newsletters in a more meaningful manner.
landlord and tenant

Landlord and tenant – A rocky Relationship?

Learn about the legislature and regulations that govern this relationship
How to guide
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Balance your budget and enjoy financial freedom

Budgeting allows you to set and track your financial goals. Managing your money well is all about careful planning, saving and cutting back on excessive spending.
How to guide
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Child maintenance – the facts!

Every child is entitled to receive maintenance for their basic needs such as food, clothing, housing, education and health care.
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Women and the law

The law protects and promotes the rights of women and gender equality. The law is a tool to end gender based violence, sexual harassment and discrimination against women. The law also offers women access to justice following victimisation.