

Pulled over by the police

Lockdown living rules

Understanding some of the rules around the lockdown.
Man With Debt

COVID-19: Dealing with Debt and Money matters

What to do if you cannot pay your accounts or your rent
Holding Hands Child Grandparent

Funerals will go on during lockdown – but with restrictions

South Africa is in lockdown. During this time, very limited activities will be allowed in public. The government wants South Africans to stay at home as much as possible. This is to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19).
Covid19 If I Get Sick

COVID-19: Staying covered if you get sick

If you get the Covid-19 virus, you cannot go to work. It does not matter if you do not feel very sick. You must still stay at home or in hospital. Otherwise, you will be putting other people’s lives at risk.
Labour Rights

Coronavirus (COVID-19) and your rights at work

The world is facing a health crisis with the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, and every workplace has to help fight it.
Lts Feb 2020 Newsletter Banner Images Sized For Website Corona Virus

COVID-19: You cannot refuse isolation

If you are diagnosed with COVID-19, you will be told to go into quarantine. This means you have to stay in isolation (in a space by yourself) and may not come into contact with other people.
Black Family

Tips on how to handle the coronavirus as a family

Some tips on how to manage the anxiety children may be feeling around Covid-19.
Sa Government What You Need To Know 1

Coronavirus - 4 precautions to avoid infection

Sa Government What You Need To Know

How Coronavirus spreads

The virus spreads when droplets get into your eyes nose or mouth.
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Coronavirus - Fake news

Coronavirus is emerging in more countries around the world and there's currently no known cure. Unfortunately that hasn't stopped a slew of health advice, ranging from useless but relatively harmless, to downright dangerous.
Washing Hands Step By Step Screen 72Dpi 01

Coronavirus - Stop the spread with clean hands

A step-by-step guide on washing your hands in the most effective way
Information Is Beautiful Covid19 Coronavirus Datapack 11Th March

Coronavirus data to help you understand the disease

A data pack to help you understand the virus and avoid panic
Sa Coronavirus Hotline

Coronavirus government hotline

The South Africa Coronavirus (Covid-19) hotline is 0800 029 999. Please use this hotline if you display any signs of the virus, don’t go to your Doctor and infect him or her and everybody in the waiting room. By calling the hotline, someone will come to you to have you tested for the virus. Share this number with everyone you know.
Main Banner March 2020

Legal&You Newsletter Q1 2020

Being your lifelong companion is not just a tag line or motto. It is at the very centre of everything we do at Legal&Tax. We are driven to offer your products and services that are meaningful in your time of need, and to provide you with information and advice that help you to navigate the unforeseen events that life will throw your way
Testimonial June 2022 Feature

What the budget speech means for us

Very few of us take the time to sit down, and really consider what our country’s annual budget means. We take notice of the tax increases, and how much more our fuel will cost, and our tipple and smokes. We already make little calculations in our minds on how we will have to adjust our personal budgets to make ends meet.
Child safety at school

Is your child safe at school?

For any parent, school safety must simply be a guarantee.
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How to write a meaningful eulogy

A eulogy is the speech that is given at a funeral. Although this is a very sad time, a eulogy will acknowledge not just the tragedy of the person’s passing but will also pay tribute to the life that they have lived and the love that they have inspired.
Lts Feb 2020 Newsletter Banner Images Sized For Website Corona Virus

What the Coronavirus scare means for you and your family

Switch on the TV; listen to the radio or read the news and you will be hit with fear. The coronavirus is spreading around the world and claiming lives.