

Legal You Q2 2021 Feature Story square images9

Dealing with fraud as a result of identity theft

We help you safeguard your personal information to prevent this criminal offence against you.
wrongful death

Wrongful death

Losing a family member due to misconduct or negligence is painful. We discuss how you can seek justice on behalf of your loved one for a wrongful death action.
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Tax 101

We simplify the complexities of the tax system and provide you with the basic principles in a way that is easy to understand.
Avoid going to court

Steps to take to avoid going to court

Going to court is costly, time-consuming and should be the last resort. We show you ways to resolve disputes without having to go to court.
small claims court

Small claims court

We show you a quick and easy way to resolve financial disputes.
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Providing for your children even after you’re gone

Leaving behind a life insurance policy, writing a Will and setting up a Trust provides financial support and protection for your children in the event of your death.
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Frozen assets after death

Your estate and bank accounts can be frozen for a long time after your death. Here's how you can help your family pick up the pieces and have enough funds to live on.
Contracts and contractual disputes

Understanding contracts and dealing with contractual disputes

What makes a contract legally binding? We provide clarity on all the terms and conditions that constitute a legal agreement and offer remedies to resolve contractual disputes.
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How to protect your child from being bullied in school

Bullying can cause mental, emotional and physical harm to your child. Here's how can prevent your child from becoming a victim or victimising others.
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What is a vaccine and how does it work?

What is a vaccine and how does it work? Professor Barry Schoub provides you with everything you need to know about vaccinations.
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Professor Barry Schoub explains the waiting period between getting your vaccine and after a COVID-19 infection

How long should you wait after a COVID-19 infection to get your Pfizer vaccine? Watch this video to find out the waiting period recommended by Professor Barry Schoub, Chairperson of the Ministerial Advisory Committee on Vaccines.
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Debunking Vaccine Myths

In this webinar, we separate fact from fiction, share accurate information about the COVID-19 vaccine and dispel any myths and conspiracy theories that are circulating in the media.
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Making Labour Law work for you

From basic work conditions to dealing with grievances and disputes. Your labour rights are explained in our webinar.
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Legally Binding Webinar

We discuss contractual obligations, the debt collection process and how to avoid being blacklisted.
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Legal&You Newsletter Q1 2021

It has been a year of dealing with the pandemic, lockdowns and knock on effects of living in this strange and sometimes very complicated world. We remain deeply committed to constantly seeking new ways of ensuring excellence, being your companion and ensuring you are protected.
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Cohabitation, engagement and the myth of the common law marriage

We debunk the notion that a couple living together for many years creates automatic legal rights and duties between them.
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12 steps for a healthy pregnancy

Taking care of yourself is the best thing you can do for your unborn baby.
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Home Repossession

We explain the foreclosure process and give you tips to help you save your home from repossession.