Health hub

Health hub

Educate and empower yourself with our health hub library. we’ve got all your health tips, updates, news & more available here.

Labour law

Covid19 If I Get Sick

COVID-19: Staying covered if you get sick

If you get the Covid-19 virus, you cannot go to work. It does not matter if you do not feel very sick. You must still stay at home or in hospital. Otherwise, you will be putting other people’s lives at risk.
Labour Rights

Coronavirus (COVID-19) and your rights at work

The world is facing a health crisis with the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, and every workplace has to help fight it.

Civil law

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Anxiety and trauma during civil unrest

As South Africa faces times of distress and uncertainty, it is essential to provide safety for yourself, and your loved ones, including children. It is important that we stick together as one nation and restore calm to our beautiful country. We provide tips below to help you and your family cope through these challenging times.

Criminal law

Lts Feb 2020 Newsletter Banner Images Sized For Website Corona Virus

COVID-19: You cannot refuse isolation

If you are diagnosed with COVID-19, you will be told to go into quarantine. This means you have to stay in isolation (in a space by yourself) and may not come into contact with other people.


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How to get your COVID-19 vaccination

This easy to follow guide provides the information you need to register on the Department of Health's Electronic Vaccination Data System (EVDS)
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Debunking Vaccine Myths

In this webinar, we separate fact from fiction, share accurate information about the COVID-19 vaccine and dispel any myths and conspiracy theories that are circulating in the media.
Lady In Mask

Answering your questions about the Covid-19 Coronavirus

A series of short videos to help you understand the facts and debunk the myths associated with the COVID-19 Coronavirus.


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Arthritis types, causes and treatment

We show you how to deal with the painful symptoms of arthritis and what treatment eases swollen joints.


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Early screening and testing for cancer can save your life

Live a healthier life through preventative care by performing cancer screening regularly.


Epic summer salad

Epic summer salad

Get inspired with this tasty and refreshing meal to cool you down on those hot summer days
How to guide


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Fitness matters

Former international athlete, Reece Turner shows you how to move your body everyday to get your heart beating and blood flowing. He is joined by his mom who is a qualified Pilates instructor.

Mental health

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Let's talk mental health

We help you spot the red flags that could signal a possible mental health condition.

Are you suffering from Depression, Panic or Anxiety

Questions you could ask yourself to assess whether your stress or anxiety may require some professional help.
Anxiety And Stress

The lockdown and situation with COVID-19 is making me feel very scared and anxious

Your feelings are entirely normal for such an uncertain and unsettling situatio

Health emergencies

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First aid checklist

Make sure your emergency kit is stocked with the items in the checklist to deal with emergencies.
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Identifying emergencies

Learn how to prepare for, respond to and recover from many types of emergencies.
Er24 Accidents

ER24: What to do if you're in an accident

I had a car accident—now what? Keep yourself and others safe. Here is what you need to know.


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12 steps for a healthy pregnancy

Taking care of yourself is the best thing you can do for your unborn baby.


Debunking vaccine myths Different COVID 19 variants explained

Different COVID-19 variants explained

Why does the coronavirus change? Professor Barry Schoub discusses the mutant nature of the virus and the different COVID-19 variants that have been identified.
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Professor Barry Schoub talks about the safety of the quickly developed COVID-19 vaccine

Is the COVID-19 vaccine safe? Expert Professor Barry Schoub answers the frequently asked question around the quick development and emergency approval of the COVID-19 vaccine.
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How to keep safe during the COVID-19 third wave

South Africa is experiencing its COVID-19 third wave. We provide essential tips for you and your family to keep safe and limit the spread of the coronavirus.