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Health hub
Mental health

Solace Feature Image Health

The Vital Link Between Sleep and Mental Wellness

Sleep isn’t just about closing your eyes at night, it’s the foundation of your overall well-being.
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Breaking the Silence on HIVAIDS and Mental Health

Research indicates up to 62% of people Living with HIV experience depression, anxiety, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
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Prioritising Mental Wellness:

South Africa is grappling with an increasing mental wellness crisis. According to a 2023 study by the South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG), one in three South Africans will suffer from mental wellness issues at some point in their lives.
Promoting Mental Wellness Through Creative Outlets

Promoting Mental Wellness Through Creative Outlets

As we commemorate Mental Health Awareness Month, it's important to understand the profound impact creativity can have on our emotional and psychological well-being
Health Prioritising your health Feature

Prioritising Mental Wellness

Mental wellness is a vital part of your overall health. Find out how to prioritise yourself.
Heal Real positivity 2023 Feature

Positivity in Real Terms: Embracing Balance and Authenticity

Explore the consequences of toxic positivity and the importance of embracing a healthy emotional balance. Learn to recognize and address negative emotions while respecting others' experiences. Discover the true meaning of positivity and its impact on genuine connections. By embracing all emotions, we can achieve authentic well-being and strive for a balanced life.
Health Toxic Productivity 2023 Feature

Feel like you're never free of your workday?

Throughout our lives, we get told that we must be productive members of society. We want the freedoms that come with the compensation that usually goes with being productive, so we strive to be better and achieve more and earn as much as we can. But is all this productivity just damage disguised as discipline?
Winter Wellness Feature

Winter Wellness

Summer's healthy habits can be a struggle in the cold, but the extra effort is worth it. Here's a list of 5 key things to keep in mind this winter.
Tips to combat winter colds

Combat those winter ‘sniffles’

No one wants to muddle through the winter months feeling tired, run-down, and sick all the time. When it comes to keeping your family as healthy as possible, an ounce of prevention is most definitely worth a pound of cure.
Article Themes website October 2021 Square Feature images2

Let's talk mental health

We help you spot the red flags that could signal a possible mental health condition.

Are you suffering from Depression, Panic or Anxiety

Questions you could ask yourself to assess whether your stress or anxiety may require some professional help.
Anxiety And Stress

The lockdown and situation with COVID-19 is making me feel very scared and anxious

Your feelings are entirely normal for such an uncertain and unsettling situatio
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When your Holiday Does Not Feel Jolly

Often when we look at Hollywood versions of holiday time, we see a picture of happiness, warmth, and lots of quality time with friend and family. However, for many this is not the reality. In fact, for many people the holiday time can be very lonely.
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It’s important to Open Up about Mental Health

Mental health is linked to the idea of psychological wellbeing. This means that you have a sense of stable and positive emotions and good interactions with other people. When your mental health is in order, you are able to cope with different situations, including those that are stressful. You are also able to make calm and careful choices. However, there can be times that you experience mental health problems.

Do you or someone you know seem to suffer from depression or mental illness?

Here are some signs to look out for to determine if you need help.